Unviewed DocuSign follow-up

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You’ve been working on an opportunity for months. All that’s left to close the deal is for a key stakeholder to complete the DocuSign contract. But for some reason, the contract hasn’t been signed. Maybe new priorities have popped up or the main contact is waiting on final approval from higher-ups.

You’re probably juggling several deals, making it a challenge to be proactive about finalizing the contract. An automated, executive-sponsored email sequence can handle the heavy lifting required to stay on top of the key stakeholder and prevent the deal from stalling.


  • No engagement with DocuSign contract in 48 hours


  • Initiate email sequence from a sales leader 

“The qualitative value of responses is the real win here as it has surfaced many stuck DocuSigns and helped us identify a path forward.”

-Dominique Catabay, manager of revenue generation at ZoomInfo