New from ZoomInfo: GenAI Chorus Emails, Improved Chrome Extension & More

Dan Shewan

Dan Shewan

Senior Content Manager

The old joke about surviving yet another meeting that should have been an email rings painfully true for most in the corporate world. But for many executives, it’s no laughing matter. 

Ineffective, unproductive meetings are a major problem across virtually every sector. They waste hundreds of thousands of labor hours every year and cost businesses millions of dollars in lost productivity. Yet somehow, it never quite gets solved. 

One of the reasons that meetings can be such a drag is that many of us simply don’t remember the majority of what was discussed at the last meeting.

This problem has become so commonplace that productivity experts writing for Harvard Business Review actually recommend that leaders spend additional time recapping the results of meetings just to combat “meeting amnesia.”

Rather than wasting time and effort taking meticulous meeting minutes — or worse, relying on confusing, incomplete notes — why not let Chorus by ZoomInfo’s advanced generative AI functionality do it for you?

Better, Easier Meetings with Chorus & GenAI

Chorus by ZoomInfo can now automatically summarize even the most complex meetings and turn them into post-meeting follow-up emails that are sent nearly instantly to everyone in attendance — or those who couldn’t make it. 

At the conclusion of a Chorus meeting, our generative AI technology now combines data about the meeting attendees and their roles with analysis drawn from the voice-to-text transcript, creating an explanation of the topics discussed and clearly defined follow-up tasks assigned to each attendee. 

Action items identified during Chorus meetings can be integrated with CRM data, eliminating ambiguity about who should be responsible for which action, and ensuring sales and marketing teams are fully aligned on potential opportunities and subsequent follow-ups. 

In addition, Chorus allows meeting attendees to review recordings of every meeting in full, offering sales professionals and training managers valuable opportunities to analyze specific calls and improve their performance.

To date, Chorus by ZoomInfo has summarized more than 2.3 million meetings and counting.

“Our entire organization is obsessed with the AI summary that Chorus offers,” says Kyle Janus, marketing operations manager at Brandlive. “Instead of re-watching the entire call, we can get an immediate overview of what was discussed and, most importantly, what those action items were, which has saved countless hours.”

Generative AI has been the driving technology topic in business for the past year, and we’re thrilled to give our valued customers access to this innovative GenAI feature. Our product innovation, however, doesn’t stop there. 

Prospect More Efficiently with ZoomInfo’s Reimagined Chrome Extension

We’ve overhauled the ZoomInfo Google Chrome extension, formerly known as ReachOut, from the ground up to offer improved match rates, greater data accuracy, and faster load times.

With the ZoomInfo Chrome Extension, users can now see detailed contact information for potential prospects, all without leaving their browser tab. 

Following a search, the ZoomInfo Chrome Extension surfaces any and all contact data in ZoomInfo’s extensive proprietary database associated with that contact, as well as first-party internal CRM data.

The ZoomInfo Chrome Extension also displays any relevant recent activity and previous engagements associated with that contact or account, such as prior outreach including preliminary sales calls or email exchanges. 

From there, users can quickly access qualifying data such as recent funding rounds, changes to a company’s technology stack, and recent key hires, to further refine their search.

Once users have identified their hottest prospects, they can use one of the features of the new ZoomInfo Chrome Extension we and our customers are most excited about — our new Likely to Engage Indicator.

Connect More Effectively with Likely to Engage

Users of the ZoomInfo Chrome Extension can also see which channels prospects are most likely to respond to using our Likely to Engage feature.

After navigating to a prospect’s profile using the ZoomInfo Chrome Extension, users can immediately identify which channels a given prospect is most likely to engage with based on previous engagements and other factors thanks to the Likely to Engage Indicator.

Likely to Engage mobile contacts have an answer rate 7-8X higher than industry averages, and there are more than 11 million highly reachable contacts within the ZoomInfo platform.

The ZoomInfo Chrome Extension’s Likely to Engage Indicator helps busy reps make every interaction count, lays the groundwork for a more productive conversation by engaging with prospects where they are, and reduces the amount of prospecting communications being sent across multiple channels.

Follow Your Brand Champions with Tracker Trigger

One of the greatest challenges facing salespeople today is the disruption caused when strong brand advocates leave companies to pursue new opportunities or change roles within their organization. 

Not only does this potentially jeopardize ongoing sales discussions, it makes it that much harder for salespeople to identify these brand champions in their new roles and maintain existing relationships.

ZoomInfo developed the Tracker Trigger to help salespeople overcome this challenge.

The Tracker Trigger, a feature of Workflows in ZoomInfo Sales, alerts reps when changes to a contact’s profile are detected, such as a change in either job title or employer. Once detected, these contacts are entered into a campaign, which allows reps to automate specific outreach plays to help companies and contacts manage change, sustain relationships, and initiate potential sales conversations.

Tracker Trigger in Workflows for ZoomInfo Sales is available now.

Creating a Culture of Innovation at ZoomInfo, Together

One of the most rewarding aspects of product development for the team at ZoomInfo is learning more about the challenges facing our customers, and helping them overcome those challenges together. 

Many of these new product features are the direct result of conversations with our customers and trusted partners, and we’re excited to help companies of all sizes capitalize on emerging technologies such as generative AI to seize new competitive advantages, reach new markets, and grow their business.

“The secret to our customers’ success is innovative solutions powered by data they can trust,” says Dominik Facher, chief product officer at ZoomInfo. “These solutions are game-changers for businesses all over the world by making them more prepared than ever to unlock insights, engage customers, and win faster.”