Sales Made Smarter: How ZoomInfo Copilot Helps Reps Win Faster With AI

Derion McGriff used to spend hours on the drudgery of email outreach. From pinpointing the right prospects to crafting a standout message, it was tedious, time-consuming — and absolutely essential.

McGriff is a business development manager at Apricorn, a manufacturer of hardware-encrypted external data storage. Like countless companies, Apricorn uses email as a cornerstone of its sales playbook. But there’s a tradeoff: Every hour spent on email takes time away from conversations with qualified prospects or satisfied customers. 

“We’re in sales. Really, the biggest thing for us is time,” McGriff says.

That changed dramatically when McGriff’s team began using ZoomInfo Copilot. The AI-powered platform’s ability to proactively surface key accounts and craft compelling, personalized emails has cut his typical outreach motion from two hours to just 20 minutes, saving him about five hours every week.

And he’s not just sending more email — he’s getting better responses. With Copilot’s ability to target good-fit prospects and call out high-value deal signals, McGriff has seen an immediate 10% jump in response rates to his cold outreach.

“Copilot is crafting really great emails, and it doesn’t feel like an AI wrote it. It feels like it was personally written,” he says. “We’ve gotten more responses and more opportunities, because we’re reaching more people.”

Don’t Just Do More. Get Better Results 

McGriff is just one of over 20,000 ZoomInfo users who have been beta testing Copilot this year, helping us bring to life an AI-fueled ZoomInfo platform that turns every seller into your best seller.

With Copilot, sellers don’t just send more emails, make more calls, and find more contacts. They actually get more out of the sales process, at scale and faster than ever. 

Our early Copilot customers are already achieving impressive results:

  • ZoomInfo Copilot successfully predicted nearly half of users’ existing pipeline, with 45% of opportunities in their CRMs matching ZoomInfo Copilot recommendations to engage
  • 71% uncovered new opportunities at existing accounts
  • 65% said Copilot helped them understand the right time to engage accounts 
  • Copilot saves users 10 hours per week on average by automating manual tasks
  • Overall, users say they are 60% more productive with Copilot

Here are the top use cases driving these impressive results for ZoomInfo customers.

Copilot for Account Expansion

Copilot helps sales reps identify and act on new opportunities in their existing accounts by surfacing valuable account intelligence, such as new corporate initiatives, key personnel changes, and unusual levels of competitor research.

Copilot Chat leverages these first-party and third-party data sources to provide specific, contextual recommendations for capitalizing on new opportunities. Now, instead of spending hours searching for clues to lucrative whitespace in existing accounts, sellers can act on fresh expansion opportunities.

“Copilot allows me to jump right into accounts with knowledge of their buying intent and contacts,” says Danny Underhill, an account manager at Lumen.

And with Copilot’s AI email generator, reps can jump-start their outreach with relevant, targeted language, staying ahead of competitive encroachment and proactively solving the needs of their existing customers faster than ever.

“Having everything right there just makes it easier to get the information right away and do everything I need to,” McGriff says.

Copilot for Prospecting

Copilot identifies and scores new business opportunities based on real-time buying signals from best-fit accounts, allowing sellers to instantly capitalize on prospects actively looking for a solution. 

The newest, most relevant buying signals and top target accounts are effortlessly surfaced in the ZoomInfo homepage feed and daily or weekly email digests, translating high-value buying signals into natural language and giving sellers the ability to instantly turn them into action.

“Copilot has given us fantastic insight into our target retail customers,” says Daniel Londors, an EMEA sales support manager at APL Logistics Ltd. “It’s allowed us to tailor how we position our global solutions specifically to the needs of each prospect.”

Copilot’s buying groups also highlight the key decision-makers and influencers — and even detractors — within an account, helping sales pros identify the right contacts to engage at scale with Copilot’s tailored email outreach suggestions. 

“I can go hit ‘find buying group,’ see 20 of the top contacts, click them all, and go down each one and send an email. And that only takes me 20 minutes, even with making different customizations to each one. So it’s definitely saving time,” McGriff says.

Copilot’s powerful AI features can create buying groups automatically by parsing website data, case studies, content assets, first-party CRM data, and other data points.

Copilot for Optimized Sales Flows

Copilot aggregates and analyzes your own CRM and website data, ZoomInfo’s unrivaled B2B data and intent signals, and partner data sources to create rich summaries for each account, allowing customer-facing teams to become instant experts on the opportunities that matter most.

In a matter of seconds, sales teams can access and analyze account information for answers and actionable guidance, including pain points and use cases for your solutions, important contacts, and a summary of engagements with your teams. 

“Now, I find myself using the ZoomInfo Chrome extension more. I can go into LinkedIn, find a prospect, get company information, and craft an email with so much more information,” McGriff says.

Team members can rely on Copilot Chat to query their account summaries for powerful insight into the needs, motivations, and key contacts at top accounts. And with breaking alerts synced with Slack, your GTM team is proactively alerted to the highest-value, most important buying signals in real time.

“Right out of the gate, Copilot showed me several prospects most likely to engage that correctly fit our ICP, saving me time,” says Conner Watterud, business development representative at FreightWaves.

Copilot for Personalized Engagement

The most head-turning use of generative AI is its ability to instantaneously create content that is just as good as what an average human might produce.

But creating AI content at scale without accurate source data can be a recipe for disaster, with inaccuracies and machine hallucinations spun up so fast that no human quality control could possibly keep up.

Copilot’s foundation of rock-solid B2B data — both from the customer’s own systems and ZoomInfo’s constantly updated sources of contact, company, and signal data — gives you access to personalized engagement that gets results.

Customers can designate the offerings that Copilot weaves into its AI-generated emails, alongside relevant contact, account, and signal data, giving prospects a compelling outreach message at scale, in moments.

“I struggled to get a response from a prospect in Australia, so I enlisted the help of Copilot to reframe my message in a more Australian tone and the prospect actually responded to that email! It was great that I finally got his attention — and Copilot helped me do that,” McGriff says.

The Future of AI for Sales, Today 

Today’s sellers are equipped with business data and market intelligence that previous generations could only dream of. But too much of that valuable intelligence has been hiding in plain sight, waiting for the best sellers to find, recognize, and act on it.

ZoomInfo Copilot combines the best B2B data and signals and layers in AI to deliver the insights, actions, and outreach that get results — giving every seller access to the tools and tactics to be the very best.

Find out more about Copilot today, and give your GTM team the edge that lets them sell smarter and win faster.