We’re Giving Away 100 Proven Pipeline Plays. Here’s Why

Modern business moves at an incredible pace. New technologies and competitors, an increasingly global economy, and constant social disruptions are forcing fundamental change so quickly that it’s nearly impossible to keep up. But the right tools can help.

For sales and marketing teams, this means powerful platforms that can harness insights from a flood of data, freeing people to focus on what they do best: talking to customers and closing deals.

Sales automation is a key tool in this process. Research shows that 30 percent of sales tasks can be automated and that fully embracing automation can triple the amount of time sales representatives spend talking with customers.

But without the right data and engagement technologies in the mix, revenue teams can miss promising opportunities and wind up spinning their wheels on less fruitful targets. It doesn’t have to be this way.

At ZoomInfo, we use next-generation software to monitor millions of digital signals from around the globe. When the right signals are detected, automation tools can trigger proven sales plays. This is the magic of data-driven automation: it enables a broad array of reliable and repeatable actions that you can set up, test, and optimize, offering a way to scale any business.

We’ve compiled a new, exclusive collection of 100 data-driven Pipeline Plays from across the sales journey to help B2B revenue teams everywhere. We’re thrilled to bring them to you today in a free ebook that you can use to work more efficiently and hit your number.

We know these plays work because we’ve perfected them ourselves. Now it’s your turn to give them a test drive. 

Whether you’re a startup or a Fortune 500 company, we’re confident this guide will take your sales team to the next level and help them reach their full potential. Download the ebook now and let’s get started.